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Sponsorship and Partnerships Page

Welcome to our Sponsorship and Partnership Page!


We are currently looking for sponsors and partners for the academic year of 2024/25. If you are interested in working with us it would be great to have a chat. We have devised a quick partners criteria that we use to compare potential sponsors with to ensure we are best matched to make a mutual collaborations, what you can view here. It is important to know that as we are a student organisation, any partnerships will be reviewed by the guild. 


If you wish to work with us and are interested in one of our star annual packages, please enquire with and we will cater the arrangements to you.


However, we are always open to creating special packages collaboratively if our devised packages do not include something you are after. To do this reach out to

Annual Sponsorship and Partnership

Platinum Package


  • Exclusive Platinum sponsor for the year

  • The benefits listed in the gold, silver and bronze packages

  • Headline sponsor for the WiB Awards

  • A seat on the judging panel for the WiB Awards

  • Logo featured on WiB Awards materials and handouts

  • Table at the WiB Awards

  • Named sponsor of 2 WiB Awards

  • Collaboration on an event during the academic year

  • Focus group opportunity - for us to run and support designing a focus group based on equality in the workplace

  • Keynote speaking opportunity at a society event, gaining exposure to a diverse audience students - live streamed and recorded, with snippets used on media

  • Consistent communication with the society to navigate further involvements

Sponsorship term: September 2024-June 2025

Gold Package


  • The benefits listed in the silver and bronze packages

  • Tickets to the WiB Awards

  • Named sponsor of 1 WiB Award

  • Opportunity to make a speech during the WiB Awards

  • Collaboration on an event with option for post-event evaluation to receive feedback from the group

  • Verbal acknowledgement of sponsor at WiB events

  • Opportunity to develop online course for WiB website on a topic of your choice, conditioned to its relevancy to the society objectives

  • Ability to create own forums and groups through the digital community

  • Option to collaborate on a fundraising project 

Sponsorship term: September 2024-June 2025

Silver Package


  • The benefits listed in the bronze package

  • Sponsor feature on our podcast and blog - relating to the society's objectives

  • Provide employee mentors to join our mentorship scheme

  • Thought leadership opportunities as either* guest speaker, panel discussion, networking events, workshops or newsletter feature

  • Invitation to certain WiB events through out the year

  • Distribution of promotional material at WiB events

Sponsorship term: September 2024-June 2025

Bronze Package


  • Marketing promotion of partner specific opportunities through our dedicated socials (within reason)

  • Logo featured on our website

  • Logo featured on a sponsor welcome post

  • Logo featured on our monthly newsletter

  • Logo featured on our Freshers handouts

  • A personalised organisation profile highlighted on our partners page - with 'Partner' badge recognition

Sponsorship term: September 2024-June 2025

*Capacity dependent on event suitability through out the year


Our media sponsor will be the sole sponsor of our media activity through out the year. The financing will primarily go towards media equipment and tools to bring our campaigns and resources to life. The sponsorship includes:

  • Main sponsor for the social media special series including public-aimed projects surrounding topics related to equality and the workplace (the episodes will be known to you once interest is shown)​

  • Main sponsor for the WiB podcast series, launched once a month (or more) on all major platforms

  • Main sponsor for WiB committee generated blogs 

  • Option to provide mentors from organisation and create promotional video on the programme

  • Logo to be featured on our podcast logo

  • Logo to be featured on the bottom of each blog

  • Logo featured on our website

  • Logo features on a sponsor welcome post

Sponsorship term: September 2024-June 2025


WiB Awards Sponsorships

Ahh the WiB Awards! The time of the year where our members are recognised for their achievements! 


The WiB Awards serve as a platform to showcase the diverse talents, innovation, and resilience of our members and contributors, highlighting their impact on organisations, communities, and society at large.


Sponsoring an award offers companies a strategic avenue to bolster brand visibility, showcase commitment to social responsibility, boost employability appeal, and foster valuable connections. By associating with prestigious accolades, companies elevate their standing as industry leaders and influencers, while also demonstrating a dedication to recognising excellence and innovation. Beyond the immediate benefits, such sponsorship endeavours signal a company's alignment with diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, further enhancing its reputation and impact within the business community and society at large.


By sponsoring an award, your organisation will be able listed in WiB Award materials, in the title of the WiB award (e.g., Company's Outstanding Achievement Award), and on the winner, shortlist and nominee certificates. You will also receive x3 tickets to the WiB awards with any additional tickets offered at a reduced rate.


Take a look at our WiB Awards to decide on the available one to sponsor:

Sponsorship term: During WiB Awards Season

Price per award: £250

Freshers and Refreshers Sponsor

Our Freshers and Refresher Sponsor will provide the funding for us to enable the purchase of merchandise to distribute at the Freshers and Refreshers WiB stall during the 2024/25 academic year.


With the funding we will purchase stress balls, tote bags, stickers, stall handlers t-shirts and pamphlets to hand out, which will include both our logo and design, and your logo (placed reasonably). 


This is a great opportunity to reach a mass student focused event and to gain brand awareness through the physical material. 

Sponsorship term: During the Freshers and Refreshers Season

Package price: £695

*We will also offer you the opportunity to purchase additional merchandise if desired

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