Lucy Davies
President 2024-25
It is with immense pride that we have launched the Women in Business society for the 2024/25 academic year! I look forward to welcoming our new members as Co-President and working with a committee that are dedicated to making a change in the many realms of business.
My aim in this society is to drive the real meaning on 'equality', by teaching members the practical approaches and strategies to integrate these behaviours during their lives. Through this, I want our members to feel inspired to aim for leadership roles and consider industries that have been stereotypically labelled as "no space for a woman".
As a personal anecdote, I represented an organisation on a production shoot not so long ago, and on 3 separate occasion I was asked "oh, are you the make-up girl?", I was fairly shocked that the assumption had been made as I was also wearing a lanyard with my organisation's logo.
I could not help to think that this was an element of unconscious bias. Inspired by the topic I bought Dr Pragya Agarwal's book 'Sway: Unravelling Unconscious Bias' and ever since, I have been looking for ways to teach others about the ways to confront bias and to viewed as a respected and efficient individual. This society, is one example of how we can achieve this.
I believe this society will create an inspiring and open community that will excel at creating a positive change in the community and wider society. I believe Women in Business embodies a collective of resilient, like-minded, and ambitious women, who thrive when they collaborate.
I look forward to meeting our members, present them with opportunities and allow them to grow within our society on a personal and professional level.
Sophie Farrar
President 2024-25
It fills me with joy to state that I will be the co-president for this incredible society. Equality must lie at the heart of all we do, and this is too often overlooked. Throughout this year I will strive to create a safe space for all both academically and socially, and help present everyone with fair opportunities to further grow and develop throughout university.
We hope to create a society that will appeal to every student at The University of Liverpool, expect DJ events, the occasional cheese board night and incredible networking opportunities.
Throughout this year we hope to install the belief in each of our members that you are capable of anything and everything, we will do everything we can to provide you with the connections and skills which will increase employability and create job opportunities. We also value the importance of human connection and experiences, we want to create a true sisterhood (and brotherhood) with our society members.
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you next year, and to start building this incredible group.