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Lucy Davies - President and Founder of WiB


Hello I'm Lucy and I'm President of the WiB Society for this academic year!


I also happen to be one of the founders of the society. Myself and Sophie Farrar always discussed starting a society that could a) make a difference and b) allow us to connect with others. 


My personal goal of creating this society is to inspire women in cultivating career aspirations towards leadership roles. 


I look forward to meeting with like-minded people and challenging gender biases through our projects and initiatives. 

A bit more about me...

Studying: Marketing with a Year in Industry 

Year of Study: 3rd Year

From: Carmarthen, South-West Wales

Past experience: Global Brand Communications IP for Bentley Motors, Co-Founder of NorthWest Women in STEM, Marketing Coordinator for TT-LCG, Marketing Assistant at Agnes Marketing, former Social Sec of the Marketing Society, and a few more which are best stalked on my LinkedIn!


Personality types -

  • LinkedIn


INFJ (Advocate) is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

Dominant and Conscientious 

Strengths: Decisive, Doer, Innovative, Analytical, Courteous, Diplomatic


Weaknesses: Competitive, Self-Critical, Fault Finding


Channeling Rachel Green...

The Friends character who's ambition and drive led to her leadership role in one of the world's most luxury fashion brands.

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