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Emily Bidder - Events Coordinator


I'm Emily and I'm one of the Events Coordinators of the WiB Society this year! 


With a passion for empowering women in the professional world, I'm aiming to create engaging, memorable events that foster networking, skill-building, and inspiration, with opportunities for our members to connect, learn, and grow. 


I'm excited to contribute towards a supportive community where women can thrive professionally and personally.

A bit more about me...

Studying: Marketing

Year of Study: 2nd Year

From: Sheffield

Past experience: Digital Marketing Assistant at Liverpool Guild, University of Liverpool Dance Society Competition Team, Digital Marketing Internship Programme with Girls in Marketing, Inside LVMH Certificate, Fashion & Personal Styling with Location School of Trends 


Personality types -

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INFJ (Advocate) is a personality type with the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

Dominant and Conscientious

Strengths: Decisive, Doer, Innovative, Analytical, Courteous, Diplomatic


Weaknesses: Competitive, Self-Critical, Fault Finding


Channeling Barbie...

Strong, independent, and ambitious. Inspiring female leaders to break through barriers when faced with today's challenges.

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